Hello World!

Hello World!

It has been just over a month since I pulled my own website down and put this Shopify store in its place. I figured I would take minute to talk about what is going on!

Why is there now a store?

Arguably the journey to get here started a few years ago, but the more direct development was the opening of my Etsy store in summer of 2023. I took it slow in terms of development and product and the store slowly ramped up to the point where it made sense to launch my own store. This is an evolution of what started with designing my own bike. While I don't think I will ever become a full bike brand it's pretty neat to have a store that does revenue.

All of the products previously on the portfolio page are now listed here on the store as well.

Who actually makes the stuff for sale here?

The stuff currently for sale here is 100% designed by me and made via contract manufacturers. All the nylon parts are 3D printed in the USA. I am still working on figuring out where to source metal prints from.

Certain parts that are injection molded or metal hardware are sourced and may come from different countries including the USA, Vietnam, China, and Taiwan.

In the future, I expect that I may sell some carbon fiber composite parts where I played a role in the design process but was not the full designer. As of March 2024 these are not for sale.

How does pricing work?

All of my 3d printed parts that are "stock" designs are priced at or below the cost to sell a single unit on Etsy. That helps prices honest and fair. That doesn't mean I don't make money, it simply means that to make money, I need volume. Because this store is built on low rate production unit margins on certain popular products reach 50%. Many of those products are discounted here vs. on Etsy in an effort to get people to buy them here.

Custom parts carry a surcharge that covers multiple prints and a portion of the cost of the CAD software I use. Reorders of custom parts will be repriced to reflect stock pricing.

Will you do a volume discount for my shop / team?

Yes. I am still working out the economics but contact me and we will work it out.

What have been the challenges of launching a store?

Honestly, still trying to figure out everything from ads to inventory management. It turns out Etsy does a lot for you and I admit the first month has been hard. If your order is delayed or slow, please reach out if I haven't contacted you already.

Will the Etsy stay open?


Why buy from this store or from the Etsy?

Prices on certain items are lower here. If you are an international buyer (i.e., not based in the USA) and pay VAT Etsy allows for that to be collected which results in a smoother transaction and I suggest shopping there.


What is next?

Probably some 3d printed stainless and titanium computer mounts. Then maybe a narrow UCI-legal road handlebar.

Follow me on instagram at @aprotobike or https://www.instagram.com/aprotobike/ to get updates.

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